Just Prove Them Wrong

The other day I found an email my father sent to a friend who works in a big company, which said somewhere “anytime my son visits me, instead of bringing the good news that he finally has a job, he brings a new girlfriend instead”. When I read this, I

Internet addiction is real

When one thinks about addiction, the first things which pop up in mind are sex (porn), alcohol, cigarette and drugs. Regarding sex, usually it is seen as a good thing, unless you are a man and you practise it alone (aka masturbation). While women praise and even encourage such behaviour

The Five Stages of Achievement

“I want to gain 10 kg of lean muscle and become an Instagram model”. “I want to create an online business, to thrive and to become a world reference”. “I want to become the greatest online coach in dating women”. The list could go on and on. But there is