(This article is somehow a precursor of another one I wrote about one year ago, 20 signs you must dump her. The idea is exactly to avoid that you enter a relationship with a dark triad girl who will only harm you in the long run)
Maybe you went out and you met a very attractive girl, whom you could also establish a nice connection with. Or perhaps you met this lady at the bookstore whose preferences were so in line in yours. Or eventually you went to that house party – thinking that it would be just another boring event with people drinking in vain – but where you got to know that lovely smile whom you could share so many stories with.
And now your primal brain is giving you hints and thoughts that she might be the one, so that you can forget about the remaining women on the planet and already make plans for life, with her on your side. Or even if you would not go so extreme (aka totally filled with beta male thoughts), you would still see her as the perfect match to become your girlfriend or, at least, your main girl.
Well, not so fast pal!
We have all been there, in these awkward moments where you have got yourself somehow brainwashed, thinking that this person is eventually the unicorn you thought that would not exist anymore. I know that inside your body all your hormones might be shaking, trying to fool you and making you believe that this one is special and different but first, let me tell you that unicorns only exist in old Disney films, and second, that most likely she is just another promiscuous girl, disguised with a nice smile.
I am neither being bitter nor trying to shatter all your dreams, rather to wake you up and bring you to reality. Why? Because in today’s world, and very unfortunately, it is much more likely that she is a slut than a decent girl.
And before your emotions fill you up and start blinding you forever, these are the signals which you will tell you whether she is at least worth to have a normal relationship with (and this time I am going to leave the ear bars, piercings outside the earlobe, tattoos and dyed hair out, as they are already too obvious “slut signs”):
1. You met her in a night club
Yes, that’s right, women who go out are more open and more pron to meet new people. It is a total social activity, where it is normal for strangers to talk to one another, with a plus that guys usually approach women. Plus, it means that not only she enjoys the (easy) fun but especially that she likes to drink alcohol (more on that just afterwards).
Bonus point if you met her later in the evening or going out during the week (or both). This only means that having fun is her priority and she is increasing the chances of meeting more guys and eventually taking them home – or, at least, to exchange contacts and to meet them on the days after.
2. She drinks a lot and usually gets intoxicated
Going out is an activity which can already raise a lot of suspicions about but, in case she drinks a lot and usually gets wasted, then you can be sure that she has little or even absolutely no control over herself (usually these people use the alcohol excuse to whatever happens).
As we all know, alcohol is the number one trigger to make people looser. In regard to women, this translates into them being both easier and willing to have lascivious behaviors – oh excuse me, “ to fall in love with that new prince charming” – so have no illusions if her right hand is used to gin and glasses of wine.
3. She has worked or works in a bar or club and/or has had temporary jobs such as being a tour guide or model
When a girl works in a bar or club, many things happen. First and obviously, she will deal with drunk people, especially guys, whom she will meet and be approached by.
Then, she will have the tendency to incur in an unhealthy lifestyle, which includes, in a better scenario, just to have bad sleeping patterns and, in the worse and eventually more common, to do drugs and to drink lots of alcohol (you know when the barman or barmaid drinks a “shot” with customers, don’t you?).
So, putting everything together, she will meet lots of guys, where alcohol and a party atmosphere will always be present. Does that sound where a nice girl should be at?
In addition, even if she has or has had other more “innocent” works such as being a tour guide in a busy, tourist city or even a model, she will be constantly dealing with people.
In the former, usually city tours lead to people getting out together later on the night, which takes us back to the point of alcohol and party.
Regarding the latter, I do not even need to talk about what girls who get into modelling go through, with all the agents, promoters and important people constantly hitting on them, taking them to fancy parties and trying to bang them.
4. She is nice and very comfortable talking to everybody, especially to other guys
Let us say you meet her at the bar and she is immediately very nice to you, even complimenting you. You may think you are special or the coolest guy in the house but, a few moments later, she is smiling and having a similar reaction with another guy (or guys).
Or perhaps you met her during the day and you could not notice such behavior in the first place but then, after a couple of times going out with her, she has the tendency to smile and to be nice to everybody, always allowing other guys to talk to her and somehow develop a conversation.
Because yes, if she is neither shy nor hesitant when talking to other guys, being during the day or during the night, it means that she is very used to interact with them. Do I have to draw you a picture?
5. She gets very “excited about nothing”
While she is talking, she usually uses expressions such as “wow”, “cool”, “oh my god that’s great” or “he or that thing is amazing” every two minutes. This means a lot a things.
First, she is easy to impress, so a photo, the cool barman or the nice tour guide she meets in Barcelona are all put in the same “wow” experience.
Then, she normally craves for exciting moments – instead of looking for enriching and profound experiences – meaning that she will always want to go for the pub crawl and wake up late instead of getting up early to check any historical museum.
Finally, she is totally easy-going, usually coming up that John is so nice or that this person is incredible, just a couple of minutes after meeting them.
6. She takes a lot of time to answer to your messages
You met her and you liked her, but you are not in the mood for playing games, so you send her a message on the day after. Immediately you realize that not only she has deactivated the “last time seen online” but also the two Whatsapp arrows never get blue. Red flag my friend!
But wait, there is more: whenever she answers you, you can not find a pattern of response (that would be, for instance, to always take just a couple of minutes to reply you back). What usually happens is that she can take two hours or even a day to write back to you, usually coming up with some excuse that she was busy and could not do it before.
7. It is difficult to schedule something concrete with her
Usually she is a girl who follows a lot the previous point, by being scarce or irregular in the communication with you.
But even if she likes to make conversation, by being nice to you, whenever you refer the topic of meeting her or when you ask her availability for the next days, she has the tendency to dodge the question.
Again, either by taking a lot of time to answer or simply by coming up with another excuse (e.g: “I have this or that”, “Sorry but I am very busy this week”), she usually evades the query like a pro! Besides, and most likely scenario, she does not propose any alternative dates for you two to meet.
This simply means that you have before you an attention seeker, who likes to entertain as many guys as she can, keeping them as an option but not really sealing the deal with any of them – unless, of course, he is the high-value male she is running after.
8. She has traveled a lot
Unless she is very rich and usually travels with her family, if she knows half of the world, she also knows the taste of half of the world’s penises supply.
Yes, to travel opens your spirit and it is a great way to know and to discover yourself better. But that also means to meet countless people, to try new things every time and to have fun.
Tell me a girl who travels and, instead of being taking pictures everywhere and updating her Instagram account, is indeed working or doing some research on a specific country. Do you know any? Yeah, me neither.
Bonus point if she travels a lot but does not seem to have the means for that, meaning that she is a semi-pro or even a pro, always looking for sponsors to provide the happy moments she can not live without.
9. She talks more about friends and adventures than about family and serious boyfriends
Girls who often refer their families, how they like them and how they enjoy to spend time with them are usually boring (note: this is a good thing). Or find a woman who is totally serious about her serious boyfriend and will you notice how uninteresting she will be for you, giving no chances of moving the conversation forwards.
On the other hand, girls who have “daddy issues”, divorced parents or a dysfunctional family generally rely a lot on their friends and put the fun moments they have as a priority.
And someone who spends most the time with friends is also someone who does not stop much time at home. This means that she is out a lot, extracting “the best of the life” and living the live to the fullest. And we all know where this search for adventures and excitement leads to…
10. She smokes cigarettes
It sounds like nonsense to bring this up but give me just some seconds to explain my arguments. First, think about the biggest whores and “girls with issues” you have met and seen in your life (including also films, whenever they would portray a prostitute). Yes, they all smoked.
Then, a person who smokes is someone who has more difficulty to do sacrifices and therefore to indulge in some feel-good, easy way out activities. “Want to work a little bit more? Nahhh, let’s just go outside and smoke a cigarette”.
Lastly, she will constantly be at smoking areas, striking up conversations and being approached by random guys. Call it socially skilled, I call it slutty proficient.
11. When she meets you, she immediately asks you for your Instagram account
First, this means that it is her main tool of presenting herself to the world and I can guarantee you that, if she refers Instagram, it is because she has a strong online presence there and wants just to add another follower to the list.
Plus, she also wants to know who you are and whether you are a guy with value. Because nowadays, if you do not have many followers in IG or in case you do not even have an account, then you are just an invisible person who simply does not matter. She will instantly label you as this “creepy, social retarted”, who has somehow been incarcerated in a cave for the last twenty years.
12. She is very good and slutty in bed
This one is totally self-explanatory, no need to develop it further.
13. If you go raw – without condom – she does not stop you.
A slut is usually a girl who first, does not have a high self-esteem – and therefore relies on the attention on others to feel better with herself – and second does not think or even care about the consequences of her actions.
“Let’s have a crazy night, taking drugs and being guys whom I know nothing about? Yeah, let’s do it!” And this YOLO mentality many times leads to ending up in the bed with one of them (or more, who knows), where what matters is to enjoy the moment and to have fun.
And if you are this guy and you try to stick your excited joystick without protection in her, and she does not even try to detain you for a second, then you are before a girl who has done it many times and does not give a damn about what may happen to her body.
14. In her close group of girl friends, she has a couple of slutty ones
(In this group I can include these kinds of poisonous friends who seem to enjoy the whole food chain, being interested in both guys and girls, having no barriers in terms of hooking up or even having sex with random people)
Needless to say that if “your girl” feels comfortable with such friends near her, then it is a clear sign that she feels also comfortable whenever she is the one being called for some “slut action”.
Bonus point when she calls her friends “bitches”, especially in case this term is used casually and not meant to offend or to be rude towards them. It is a very classy sign showing the slut potential your new girlfriend might have!
15. She often refers that she is a good girl.
I left to the end what I consider the easiest point to spot whether you have a promiscuous girl in front of you.
Do not ask me why but, ANYTIME a woman has said to be me that she was a good girl (or an angel or something similar), she was simply a very big slut.
This lady knows exactly the game she is playing and likes to throw this “good girl sentence” either for fun or behind a false innocence, somehow believing that she behaves properly.
But guess what? She doesn’t, so either accept that you are before a dark triad woman and enjoy the ride, or simply dump her, in case you are looking for a serious relationship.
Look, first of all let me be clear here: I am not trying to be neither a puritan nor a hypocrite. If guys like us enjoy so much to have fun, to meet new women and to eventually take some of them home, then we all need sluts to make our life easier and happier.
The point is that you should not create false illusions thinking that this girl you have just met is a white angel, without any dark past. Conversely, if you are totally aware of that, then just enjoy the slut ride – which, by the way, is usually quite fun.
On the other hand, in case you are looking for more, then you should know that there are no immaculate beings anymore. So unless you start a quest to the depths of the earth, where you will enter dangerous caves filled with mystical monsters, climb steep mountains, where you will fight the most powerful dragons, and swim the most treacherous waters, filled with giant piranhas, then I regret to inform that you will not find any woman with a “clean record”.
So stop idealizing and trying to change a girl, just because you are desperately looking for love. Otherwise you will have upon you some unpleasant consequences, like relying on a an untrustworthy person who does not give a fuck about you.
As a reality check, if she has three, maximum four of the points above, you can naturally still give her a chance. Humans are faulty beings so it would be totally unrealistic to think that, in 2018, you would still find a girl with none of the points described above.
However, if she has more or, more importantly, if you feel that something is not right and your gut is telling you not to trust her, then it is time to dump her my friend.
Even if nowadays it is quite difficult to find a “nice girl”, they still exist, so do not lose your hope and keep looking for them (but always with impartial eyes). In the meantime, until you find the right woman, just have fun with the “wrong” ones!
These are very small details. I am impressed with the author!
The most aacurate and real TRUTH!! If I have read it before meeting that slut then I could spot her at first sight! Anyway after of 1 year of hurting my mental health I’m thankful of her for PROOVING me that even the ones you can’t thinkbad of them can be(was,is,will be) the most pro slut. I have the real lesson the experience! I sign your article with blood.
Nice tips 🙂
Ok, it’s like this….
There are (3) types of whores on the planet:
1. The ATTENTION WHORE. she must be seen, she must be the prettiest in her typical gathering of girl friends, who usually run anywhere from 3 to 5 deep in a group. She’s typically the most scantily clad, in the club. Yes, she seeks large gathering spots for what else, but attention! She’s typically the most boisterous/ loudest voice in her girl-group. She’s not there to fuck, but more likely to fuck with you, then turn you down for the laughs (from her many, less attractive friends) for the fun of it… it’s all about attention, look at me, I’m the whole Instagram experience in one big flamboyant package! Yep, she’s an attention whore… Then this leads to number
2. The TEASE WHORE. she’s not one so much for the physical act of fucking, but more for “mind-fucking”!!!… she absolutely gets off on the idea of getting your blood boiling, salivating for her, craving her, and through that, she climaxes (in her mind) only. The tease whore noticeably loves to speak in innuendo, for example: you say something to the effect of “wow, I’m so hungry” then she’ll reply with something like “Mmm, I can only imagine WHO’S on the menu ??!” Do trust and believe when I say, this sorta conversation will take on dimensions unlike you’ve ever heard before, and you’ll enjoy the ride! She will compellingly dominate the conversation, with absolutely no constraints, in short, if you start it- shell finish it to the utmost VERBAL satisfaction! The tease whore is comparable to having your very own, living-breathing romance novel, with one flaw… you may hit that eventually??!! but I can guarantee it won’t be on the first date…. or even the second. Remember, the TEASE is an art to her, so enjoy her conversation to the utmost… and then for the finale’ we have number
3. The HOE WHORE. she is clearly the most sought after among men. She’s typically the introvert, and avoids large gatherings. You’ll most likely find her in a Starbucks or bookstore, sipping on some extravagant flavored coffee, while catching up on the latest romance novel. Yes, she loves romance novels if only to take pointers from them. She carries a few traits of the two previously mentioned whores, but she has the utmost disdain for the attention where. Again, she’s an introvert who deep down, desires attention whore qualities, but this is completely for the sake of VALIDATION, which she craves the most! You see, the HOE WHORE has “been through” for the lack of a better term, in her life. Typical she has the proverbial “daddy issues” meaning the lack of a male figure while growing up in the home, or worse, a male figure in the home who’s more likely to have sexually abused her at a very young age, whereas she’s developed this lifestyle.
But, I digress, now back to my point… the hoe whore is very identifiable, in public. Dual glances or more to garner your attention, only lasts to small talk, and this is where you’ll discover her wants and desires, do trust and, believe she’ll make it known!