Do you think we men, owe you something, just because you are hot according to contemporary standards? Do you honestly believe that we as men must be at your complete disposal just because you have tits? Do you really think that you are our reason of existence?
I know what your problem is: the modern times have turned men into weak son of a bitches. They no longer hold a self-pride of carrying two eggs which contain the liquid of what is and will always be the future of life, the ultimate guarantee that we will keep stepping on this decaying world.
There was a moment in time where everything flipped, in which men started to honestly believe that they would be happier if their only purpose would be to make woman happier. There is nothing wrong about distributing happiness to others, only when you forget about your own and devote your life solely with the intention of making women smile.
And then you have got used to. You have got used to the constant attention. You have got used to all the male looks being thrown at you, as if we were going back to the XVI century and all the planets were revolving around the great sun. You have got used to the comfort, to the benefits, to the compliments, to the good life. Hey, but no one can blame you: who wouldn’t get used to such privileges?! It was not your fault sweetheart, it was ours.
The men of this world who suddenly forgot about their nature, about what their genetics tell them to, about their role of hunters and protectors. One may claim: “hey but if we have always been hunters and protectors, there is nothing wrong about chasing women and give them attention!.”
About chasing, absolutely not. But most of men simply do not do it anymore, just play it safe like a grandfather waiting for is monthly pensioner payments. About protection, we are not god and therefore we should protect only who deserves it. And according to our primal nature, this means only the woman or the group of women who would be entitled to become the mother of our son(s).
The problem is that today’s world got so contaminated that we no longer follow our most natural instincts.
Today sex has become the goal, not the means to an end which was before. And guess who uses that to their own advantage? Yes, women. Since carnal pleasure has become the main objective, we have given them the power. They no longer need to be nurturing beings, who take care of the household and eventually of our children. They no longer need to be sensitive and attentive, taking care of us whenever we need that feminine presence to appease our rough routine. They no longer need to hold real values, which urge in us this undisputable trust which leads to a real relationship between a man and a woman.
No, they just need to show up. They just need to eat well and hit the gym. They just need to wear their tight yoga pants and show themselves every day in Instagram and Facebook. And then all the guys just drool over them, like ravenous wolves who cannot see anything else than their prey. But contrary to what these savage animals do, most of men just wait and hope we eventually get the so desired prize. “Oh god please, if I could just bang this girl, I would be so much happier”. Sex is the ultimate goal which every man is looking for.
But let me tell you one thing you self-conceited cunt: Not every man is like this. Not every man thinks you are the queen and that he is the servant who must bow down. Not every man looks at you and sees pure innocence, the unicorn he has always been looking for.
No, we are different! We know the game you are playing. While the world claims that all your faults have a reason behind it, we look at them with despise. While many claim that you simply vanish or flake just because you are too scared or “you simply like too much the guy to have the courage to face him again” (that is why you ignore him), we know that you are just bullshiting. Deep down we know, and you know it as well, that you just want to feel good with us lying on the floor.
You just want to be like a millionaire who have all the beggars beneath him, begging the master to make them feel less miserable. And whenever that happens, there you are laughing at our face, knowing that you just have used your pussy power to keep your wave of psychological destruction.
However, some of us do not fall, some of us know the real truth beyond the curtain of social lies. We chase you, just because we want to use the only thing you are capable to provide: your body. But we move fast and leave sometimes even faster, because we know that if we do not it, we will be the next ones on the line to be dumped, until you go back to your phone and pick the next puppet to skyrocket your ego.
So before you call us whatever adjective you can think of, think first, because you are just like any of us. We all know that you are just playing a game which gives you a wicked pleasure but towards which you do not have the right tools to control. But deep down you are scared, afraid of entering into a spiral of pain and suffering which will take you back to your worst past traumas.
And we, who are also human beings and also suffer in silence, who have our insecurities and who struggle everyday to win in a society against men, do not care anymore. In this game which you chose to play against your own biology, we are the ones sitting in the first row waiting for you to be knocked down. Until you reveal that weak creature, lying behind a false mask of ruthless predation.