Since I had already done the same in Kharkov five years before and because my recent trips before had not been so fruitful, I decided to keep it simple and to spend a whole trip just in one city, as it would certainly increase the odds of getting lucky.
On the company of my good old friend Rocha, I arrived the last month in Kiev for a 10-day trip which was about to be memorable, as we were totally ready to set the place on fire and to have real fun. Besides, we had not been travelling together exactly since the last time I had been in Ukraine, three years before, so this sort of “reunion of warriors” was surely an ingredient which would add the extra “spice” to our levels of energy and motivation.
But because the conclusion must come in the end, let me first present you a daily report of what happened in the capital of Ukraine:
1st day, Friday:
It was my birthday and I had already promised Rocha that the night would be on my own. We first went to have dinner at Oliva, a nice Italian restaurant which has three locations spread throughout the city, to then head to fancy area of Arena, while in between we had to face the rainy night through the Khreshchatyk Avenue.
We went for a couple of cocktails but since there was not much going on, we decided to head to the club D’Lux, the club owned by the football club Dynamo Kiev. I had been there one night during my summer incursion in 2013 and I had left the place with no events worth to be told, but this time Rocha somehow guaranteed me that this would be the best place to go when Kiev is in full gas (which was the case, since it was not summer).
But sometimes a friend can have the best wishes or intentions that this will not change the reality, and the truth was that the only event which broke the rules was having met two nice girls who reacted very positively to our approach, who had the plus of speaking some English as well (indeed very acceptable if we take into consideration the standards of the Ukrainian people).
But because I was neither in Ukraine to celebrate my birthday with a “slightly above the average girl” nor I could indeed make a move towards the “imperfect face” of my girl, I abstained myself from any other attempt and finished the night with an anti-climax of what I had pictured before, by going home empty-handed and, perhaps worse, to go to bed not having a single exciting moment to remember about that amorphous Birthday.
2nd day, Saturday:
The (only) advantage of having a bad Friday is that you can, at least, pin all your hopes on the Saturday. And after a good night of sleep, there we were ready to hit the streets and to show who the bosses were.
Rocha had arranged a meeting with Pete, one of these very nice fellows (aka sick men chasing after women) you meet along the way and at around 3:00 pm we were already the three wandering around the areas of Maidan and Khreshchatyk.
After some failed approaches, either because of the noise this avenue usually has during the day, which impedes any good communication to flow, or simply because the girls were not interested on us, we kept going direction Arena and, since not much was going on, we ended up in the Gulliver mall, a perfect place to day-shopping game (especially the ground floor, where there is a supermarket with a great food court where you can sit down and enjoy some nice food and a glass of wine).
We stayed there for a while and at around 6:00 pm we got back to our apartment, to rest for a while and to prepare the big night. We went to have dinner in Vapiano, in Arena, where we set up a meeting with Steve, another self-made (sick) man who has a business of import-export and lives in Budapest.
After some nice conversations, in which I exchanged with him very nice advice in how a man needs not only to keep pursuing what his gut tells him to do but also to really be a good self-promoter to succeed, we decided that it was time to cut the bla bla and to go for real action.
Again, the scenario for the battle would be the D’Lux, the club which had given us so little on the night before. A couple of hours later, it looked like a photocopy of the previous Friday: the club was not so full (the karaoke area which according to Rocha was always full, was indeed almost empty), the party atmosphere was somehow bleak and the hot women – and consequent interactions with them – were close to zero (the best we got was the number of two girls who were together).
So Rocha and I, plus Steve and Pete who had meanwhile joined us, decided to go back to Arena, waiting for a better luck. When we arrived, there were a group of girls whom we could immediately bring along to the bar Famous (which had free entry) where we were ready to make a move on them. But maybe because the stars were not aligned or simply because we showed too much thirstiness, nothing happened with them. Indeed, the only thing we were able to put our mouths on was the nice hamburgers we got on the quite affordable 24/7 restaurant Linass.
3rd day, Sunday:
I love the smell of napalm in the morning…but I hate to wake up with that feeling of disillusion. There I was, in the capital of Kiev, with less going on than in my shitty “home” town in Germany. I had started my 31 the worst way possible and it had not gone better on Saturday. After some time reflecting on the bed, it was time to stop being a pussy, to stand up and to face the real world.
I planned with Rocha to go for another walk, to then head again to the Gulliver mall, where we would meet two more guys whom Rocha had already been in contact with for a long time (coming from this forum of sick men who exchange experiences around women).
It was a nice interaction where we discussed such obvious topics as local women – and how to pick them up – to broader, more insightful topics such as writing blogs or finding your own occupation/activity/business, in order that one gets away from the rat race. There were neither conclusions nor final thoughts, rather useful pieces of advice to be used some when in the future.
We said goodbye to one another and later on that day I met Pete, with whom I got back to the Gulliver mall, to check some “chicks” and grab something to drink. Curiously or not, there were a group of two girls (one of them was really hot), who were drinking wine and already throwing some signs at us.
Since Pete was more on the shy side, I decided to approach them and the reaction was pretty good. The hottie asked me what I was doing there and I, totally falling into the stupid habit of lying to women, told her that I was a Salsa teacher and was looking for opening a new school, since the offer in Kiev was not that wide.
The girls immediately asked me for a video of me dancing and I told them to check my video in YouTube, but they did not really believe on it and somehow I screwed my chances of seeing the attractive one again (which indeed, never happened), even I collected her number in the end.
Meanwhile Rocha had met with one of his “local girls” and in the evening we all agreed to go to the Caribbean Club, the only possible option to go out on a Sunday night. Known for the presence of some “semi pros” and even “pros”, I knew that I was going into rough waters but being on holidays and in the real Eastern Europe, who cared?
While there, there were not so many people but actually there were some nice girls, including two friends who were super hot but who did not give any return to my investment. Later, I spotted a very cute blond whom I then was able to dance with and to collect the number in the end of evening, to then go home thinking that actually this night had been better that I had thought in the first place – which is what happens when you do not have any expectations whatsoever in the first place.
4th day, Monday:
Tired of drinking and not doing anything productive or healthy to the body, I decided that I would go the open-air gym (Hydro park) and then take some sun on the local river beach next to it. Rocha and I left home around 2:00 pm in our beach clothes and took the subway in direction to the local paradise, as if we were some delusional tourists who had misled themselves in their final destination.
Theories apart, we arrived at the gym and I must tell you that I had never seen a more masculine place to lift real iron, as the equipment there was literally made from iron and done for real men who do not care about getting calluses on their hands. After a strenuous session under a torrid sun, it was time to relax and refresh ourselves in the crystalline waters of Kiev.
We headed to the beach and, for our astonishment, it was not as bad as we had imagined it in the first place, being however quite empty. We lay down on the sand and after a while we realized that there were two young girls 50 meters behind us, who were drinking and laughing a lot, so Rocha and I took the decision of approaching them.
Not sure whether similar thing would happen elsewhere but in Ukraine it does: Five minutes later, both of them were massaging our back, with improvised oil called sunscreen. I tried to communicate with “my girl” as much as I could in my elementary Russian, but indeed what mattered most was the fun we were having all together. Not surprisingly, a couple of minutes later we were all making out with his corresponding pair, a movie-worthy scenario which should have been recorded for posterity.
We left the beach, collected the girls’ numbers and said goodbye to them, with the promise that we would meet them later on that week – something which I would only do in a very extreme case, since mine had a cute face but some extra kilograms.
In the evening, Rocha wanted to go Just Café, a karaoke bar which just plays Ukrainian and Russian hits, where the clientele is top-tier from Kiev, which also means beautiful locals in their fancy dresses. The place itself is nice, but the fact that everyone sits down on separate tables cuts almost all the possibilities of interacting with another.
In addition, and of course this is totally just an opinion, I found the café to be not that fun, with the downside of all the songs being in Russian, which just bores me. After a while, I could eventually convince Rocha to leave the bar – he is an addict to the Russian culture and language, so he was feeling at home – by suggesting the only thing which I knew it would make him stand up: to go to the strip-club Rio, just a block way from Just Café.
I am really not a fan of strip clubs but, between being sat in a place in which I was getting quite bored and seeing some perfect asses swinging around me for a bargain, I prefer without a doubt the latter. And that was exactly how our night ended: drinking some beers, eating a nice sushi and watching some perfect tits moving, everything for about 20€/person. With prices like these, it is difficult not to check some naked ladies once in a while!
5th day, Tuesday:
Another dawn in the city in which everything is possible but where, most of the times, nothing happens. And if I could choose a day to totally exemplify this lack of excitement and relevant events to tell about, that one would exactly be this Tuesday.
During the day, we wandered around as usual and nothing really relevant happened, not even on my phone, where the interactions I was having with the two girls I had met on Sunday – the one during the day in the Gulliver mall and the other at night in the Caribbean club – eventually faded away.
We did our normal routine of eating outside for really cheap prices, until we got back home around 8:00 pm, to plan our night incursion. After a nice shower and a couple of beers, we decided to check how Buddha bar would be, with the certainty that it would have for sure some pros looking for their prince “money” charming.
Meanwhile, one of Rocha’s friends had already been in contact with him and was with another girl friend, so that seemed like the perfect shot for that dull Tuesday evening. But, because his girl was a little bit crazy and was getting too emotional, Rocha simply did not want to meet her and cancelled all the plans.
So it was time for Plan B, which was to meet someone Rocha defined as a “Dynamo Kiev groupie”, one of these girls who wanders around football players, in order to get lucky and to earn some hrivnas (the local currency) in her pockets. But, as you can imagine already by the nice description, I supposed she was not a hottie, a fact which I confirmed later when we picked her up at her place to go to Shooters – a bar perfectly appropriate to the level of this “lady”, since it is known for its crappy standards.
When we arrived there, we went to the karaoke area, where we drunk some cocktails and had indeed some fun singing, especially when Rocha and I sang a couple of Latin hits. After that, we moved downstairs to the dance floor, where we could swing a little bit but not that much as the crowd and the DJ were really poor.
So it was time to retreat and go home, but taking the groupie with us to check whether we would have some debauchery the old school way. However, when we arrived home, I reached the conclusion that, due to the looks and bad breath of this “5”, I simply would not be able to stick my dick in her with a minimum of satisfaction, so I simply sat back and dismissed any thought of sex.
This girl was being a pain in the ass since she was drunk and screaming, but Rocha and I were able to put a sleeping pill on her drink, which worked perfectly as she was sleeping like a baby ten minutes afterwards. Kiev was being so productive that you even need to put girls dreaming, just with the only objective of getting some peace!
6th day, Wednesday:
I was exactly at the middle of my trip which, quite honestly, was almost reaching the state of disgrace. I remember thinking by then that the “easy bang” (more on that on a future article) had definitely did and that travelling to Eastern Europe to get women – of course for a short, limited period of time – had long its borrowed time.
But talking about that priceless asset, it was time to stop whining about circumstances I could not change and to face the reality which was, at least, cheap (literally).
Rocha started the day trying to make plans with the girls I had picked the number on Saturday night, until we finally agreed to meet them around 5:00 pm at a fancy restaurant. But neither Rocha or I were born yesterday so we knew that a meeting at a restaurant could mean a trap, so we made sure that first we would arrive a little bit late and second the girls would already be advised that we would just pass by for a couple of drinks.
When we arrived, we made it even clearer that we were not there to share – or eventually sponsor – any food, as we ordered our couple of Mojitos just for the two of us. And the sequence of events which came next just proved that we had taken a very wise decision.
First, two minutes after I had seated down, “my girl” (who was in front me) simply started messing around with her smart phone, almost ignoring me – it was the first red signal, which I discreetly signaled to Rocha, who nodded back in consent.
Then, the girls started asking food as if there were no tomorrow and Rocha even threw a very subtle comment with a smile “hey, you girls eat a lot” towards each his girl answered “oh we are Ukrainians you know? We usually do it” but Rocha, totally keeping his frame, stroke back with “hey I used to have a Ukrainian girlfriend and she did not eat like that”.
After the starters, it was time for the main dishes to come, both looking anything but cheap. In between, the girls – more the Rocha’s “one”, since mine was as silent as a mouse – kept pushing and asking whether we would not eat anything, towards which we answered wittingly that we had eaten right before arriving and that we were not hungry (totally a lie, we were starving! But these sluts deserved and would surely deserve our “sacrifice”).
Meanwhile, Rocha and I went outside for a quick cigarette and to talk about what was going on. Basically, we agreed that we would go back inside, let the girls ask for the dessert and then to ask a separate bill just for our drinks. And ten minutes after, it happened a moment I wish I had filmed and showed the world how gold diggers should be screwed: their faces, after we asked for our separate check, were priceless, a lesson that they will never forget and will make them think twice, whenever they try to trick any foreign guys in another future occasion.
The day kept going and it was time to prepare for another night at the Caribbean Club, with Ladies night, an idea which pleased me a lot, since being able to dance Latin music among sexy Ukrainian women would be the one of best things one can could give me.
We entered the club abound 11:00 pm and after some scouting, Rocha eventually sat down near a very attractive blond who was giving him a very good response. After a while, having no good prospects around, I got bored and went to him, also presenting myself to the girl.
My intention was just to be near him but it seems that my oncoming had some effect on her and she started looking at me with these eyes which go way beyond pure friendliness. Then, anytime I was leaving and initiating my “hunting mode” again, she was always coming up with a “no, stay here with us”.
But, since I knew that Rocha was trying something with her, I kept finding excuses to bail out. I knew the girl was into me but putting one of my best friendships at stake for a slice of new pussy was something that I would not even consider for a moment, so I put my superhero outfit again and went out to “war”.
I got really fun on the dance floor, alone, dancing and interacting with other girls. In the end I was able to collect two telephone numbers and no kisses but, since I was having really a good time, it did not really matter. Kiev had already been showing me that the good old days of getting girls easily were gone, so it was better to enjoy the moment than to regret on a past which does not exist anymore.
7th day, Thursday:
Woke up with a bright sun and with a long weekend ahead, a fact which triggered within me this juvenile jubilation that always shows up when you are before something which can be great.
After having lunch at a sushi restaurant – where we ate 16 pieces for about 5€ – our energies were restored, so it was time to face Kiev again. But this time, instead of wandering around the usual area of Maidan and Khreshchatyk, we plus Pete had already decided to go the Ocean Plaza, an upscale mall.
And we all know what that means: hot women. And if this is true in theory, in practice it is indeed truer, as I had never seen such quality during the day in this city (I wish I had come here before!). Pure 7s and 8s walking around, with the occasional 9 also showing up once in a while. The only downside was that most of these girls were paired with some lucky Ukrainian guys.
But even if the mall itself was great, we were there neither to shopping nor to specifically game women but to go to the season opening of the City Beach Club, which was funnily located on the top of the parking lot of the mall. We were face controlled but, after the initial block, Rocha stepped in and found a way to convince the bouncers to let us in – of course, paying the high fee of around 20€ which, for the Ukrainian standards, is a total abuse.
And when we got in, after wandering around for ten minutes and then finishing in the bar, we thought that we had entered heaven, due to the incredible quality of women around (when I was asking for my first drink, there was a 9.5 next to me, which I approached in a teasing way, towards which she reacted more or less positively, but going then away).
But after the initial “shock”, we got back to earth and realized that the club was indeed great but it was not the heaven it looked like in the first place, especially because there were (too) many snooty girls around. Even so, all of us approached as many girls as we could, eventually converting some of them in acceptable interactions but which in the end led nowhere.
The best I got was talking to a nice blond, perhaps a 7.5, for some minutes and then collecting her number in the end, with the agreement that we would meet on the day or night after. The club closed too early – it had started at around 07:00 pm and everything ended around 11:00 pm – so the three of us were left a little bit out in the cold, without knowing where to go and what to do next.
We went grabbing something to eat in Arena and meanwhile Sam, another legend among these sick men, joined us and we then decided to go to the club Sorry Babushka, which supposedly is a good bet on every Thursday night. Well that is only a supposition, because in reality it turned out to be just a crappy place, so the best we could get was going to the strip area where Sam got a private from one of the two girls who was not more than 21 years old (I talked to one of them for a while and it is interesting how girls around here pay their studies with such “dark activities”, as if it were the most normal thing in the world). At around 2:00 am, it was time to accept defeat and to go home, empty-handed for the 7th night in a row.
8th day, Friday:
Thursday I don’t care about you, it’s Friday I’m in love. Or I wish I were, since being 31 years old does not allow me to fall into it (aka false expectations) anymore. On the other hand, I was on holidays and having fun so, if I had not lowered my guard until then, surely I would not do it on my last weekend in Kiev.
Because Rocha would have a meeting with one of his girls, I took the decision of doing a little sightseeing, just to make sure this trip would not be 100% futile. Since I had been in many places in Kiev but one, I went to the area of Pechersk Lavra (one of the most important spots of the Orthodox Church in the world), where a major part of the most amazing monuments of the city are located.
Actually, when I go to such places, I tend to leave my phone/camera in my pocket and I try to experience the true feeling of any similar place. And contrasting to the new Kiev, with its fancy dresses and expensive cars standing out, for a couple of hours I was able to forget about time and rush of the modern world and to get some true insight.
Later, I moved to a nearby area, more concretely the part where the museum of the Great Patriotic War is located, and I can tell you that the combination of tanks, Soviet symbols and monuments and, of course, the huge statue of the Motherland, makes this place a must-see, where you will be amazed by all its grandiosity and detailed art.
Curiously, when I was looking at this enormous sculpture, a girl came into my direction and asked me something, in a very fast Russian. I answered her in my elementary Russian to tell it in English, towards which she reacted laughing and then inquiring me whether I could take some pictures of her, with the Motherland statue behind.
She was one of these girls who are not particularly pretty but whose smile and good mood makes you like them almost immediately, so naturally I agreed to help her. For some minutes, I felt like a real photographer, asking her to look at the camera in multiple angles and positions (what a pity she was not hot!).
Then, out of nowhere, it started raining cats and dogs so we run away from that place and sheltered us near the Pechersk Lavra, until we finally got a bus and said goodbye to each other somewhere near the center of Kiev (I picked her number but I knew that most likely I would not tell her anything, but actually she wrote me something afterwards and right now we are in contact in Facebook).
I went directly to meet Rocha and Sam, who were having dinner in Arena, and so I took also the opportunity to eat something and satisfy my stomach. It was then time to make plans for the night and to check where we would drop some atom bombs and, until we finally agreed to go to Dali Park, one of the top-tier clubs in Kiev.
We went home, took a nice shower and then Pete and Sam came to our place for a nice alcoholic warm-up, which turned out to be heavy, so when we left our home around midnight we were totally ready to rock it! When we arrived at the club, I was exactly on this point which nothing can shake you and you approach whomever hot girl shows up in front of you.
After some interactions, there was a beautiful girl who gave me a very good response back but whom I could not isolate from her group of friends, so I just collected her number and agreed to meet her on the day after. Since the Dali Park was filled with conceited girls, Vinnie (one of the sick men I had already met before and who had also joined us in the club) asked me whether I would want to go to Forsage, a club known for its crappiness and young crowd, which looked like the perfect choice to get some drunk girls.
Unfortunately, it was not, and in the end most of the females who where there were quite stuck up and not that attractive either. So one hour later, it was time to return to Dali Park to meet the other guys.
Meanwhile, I had been in contact with the blond girl I had met on the previous night, who was telling me that she was with a friend at an after party far from the city center. I know that you shall never go meeting a girl – only the other way around – but since the night and the odds were against me, I called Rocha asking whether he would be in for that plan, towards which he did not hesitate for a second.
So when the sun was already rising, there we were arriving in these blocks of warehouses, where we found apparently a very good party with lots of people. We met our girls and, because not only we were “2 against 2” but also my blond had been messaging me the whole night, I thought this would be an accurate shot.
But, as many times seen during this trip, it was not and the girls started ignoring us until they eventually flaked on us. In the end of the night, after about 60€ wasted (well, you have to give the credit to Kiev: you lose your mind, among taxis and going to three different clubs, and that’s all you spend! Imagine a similar night in New York), there we were going back home, with our livers full of alcohol and our balls full of desire.
9th day, Saturday:
Rocha and I had arrived to the last day of our trip together and, even if it had been far from good, it was being great in what mattered most: two good friends being together on holidays, showing that words like fellowship and partnership are rare but still apply on a time where no one has time to think of someone but in him or herself.
On the other hand, it was not the time to “fall asleep”, let alone on a Saturday, so commandant Rocha set up a date with one of his girls who would bring along one of her girlfriends, who in theory was the perfect match for me.
We picked them by taxi and then went to some cool bar to have a couple of drinks and to smoke some shisha. The conversation flowed very well from the beginning with “my girl – who spoke very good English, contrary to Rocha’s girl who only spoke Russian – and there was even some nice chemistry between us, among shy smiles and deep looks.
But of course I was in Ukraine and that means that, with most of the girls, a first date or meeting will lead to nowhere, so I collected her number and knew that it would have to be all or nothing on Sunday, my last complete day in Kiev. So we said goodbye to them and started to plan our last night in the city of Satan, where the thirsty guys never sleep but the dark angels do.
And, since this was the last night of Rocha, the choice was obvious and I agreed to go to his favorite club in the whole city: Sky bar. First, we had dinner again in Vapiano – this franchising has actually a lot of value, as you eat well and cheap and you always have the perception that you are at a very cool, sophisticated place – and then, after two glasses of whisky, we headed to the club.
When we arrived, the Champions league match between Real and Atletico Madrid was being broadcast live and we were able to watch the exact moment in which Real celebrated the victory, having Cristiano Ronaldo as the emperor of success. I remember thinking “great but…fuck Ronaldo and fuck watching football, it is time for people to live their own lives and not live on the shadows idolizing their idols”.
So after some scouting and checking a couple of nice girls, we decided to go downstairs for a cigarette and for a short night street game, as Sky bar was not being that amazing. Said and done, I spotted a girl alone whom I approach and could convince to come back with us to the club.
After some dancing, I was able to start making out with her, but somehow felt that she was one of these “loose girls” who could leave/get uninterested at any time (which was exactly what happened when she said that she would need to meet her friends but would come back in any case…which of course she did not).
Meanwhile, Rocha asked me whether I wanted to check out our beloved D’Lux, as it would be good almost for sure, so we left Sky bar, but before I still had time to approach a very cute Belorussian whom I was still able to collect the number.
Regarding D’Lux, not only it was not good but it was indeed more terrible than the other two times we had been there on the previous weekend, so the only thing my mate could say, with an honesty coming deeply from his heart, was: “Sorry Andreas”. I just answered “who cares, it is not your fault and it is just a night, fuck that!” and then went back to Arena.
But, being about 4:00 am, we also knew that it meant game over, even if we tried to extend the night as much as we could, until we finally concluded that it was not worth anymore. We walked back to our apartment, looking at the blue sky, which had already shown up, and thinking how tough life sometimes is for single men who like to chase their dreams and not to settle for what is given to them.
10th day, Sunday:
If the day before had been the all or nothing for both, this Sunday was all or nothing for me, as Rocha had left already. I had made some plans – to go for a walk around the lunch time – with the cute blond from Friday (Dali Park), but the fact that I woke at almost 3:00 precluded any of these to happen.
Even so, I wrote her immediately after waking up as if nothing had happened inquiring whether she could meet me later on that afternoon, towards which she replied that she was on her way to meet her brother but that we could see each other afterwards.
Of course that I know how things work and if there was something I could not do was to make plans just with one girl, so I started message spamming as many girls as I could: first I it was the Belorussian from Sky Bar, then the girl I had met in front of the Motherland statue and finally the friend of Rocha’s friend (the girl from the shisha bar on the day before), whom I was betting almost all of my chips, since she was also the one whom I had established a stronger connection with.
Regarding the Belorussian, I simply got no answer, whereas the nice girl from my sightseeing I got a very good response, but there was an immutable factor which would not allow me to wet my dick in any case: she had gone back to her home town, 600 km away from Kiev.
So I was left with the two blonds as an option, something which was scarce but somehow likely to meet at least on of them. Without knowing quite well what to do, I went for a walk and (tried to) put this women’s anxiety on hold and to enjoy the nice city which is Kiev, especially on a sunny day.
But well, since the gods were not on my side either, there came another sudden storm and it started to rain as if the world would end on the next day, so I run to a pizzeria to get some shelter and to please my stomach.
Meanwhile, I remembered that it was Kiev day, so I found in internet that a very nice event, with concerts, food and so on, was taking place in a nearby square (more concretely the Sofizskaya) so I headed there when the rain stopped. The sun shined, the music was traditional and interesting and the atmosphere was nice, a perfect scenario in which only the female characters were missing.
And they kept so: first, the blond from Friday told me she could not make it, so just wished me a nice Sunday with lots of fun. Still, I had planned a champagne drinking at my place with the other blond – towards which she had agreed – but ten minutes later, after I had received the first flake, this one just told me that she could not meet me due “to a hard discussion with my mother, sorry”.
So there I was, left alone and feeling like a moron for having taken the decision of spending so many days in the same city, just to increase my chances of banging hot girls. I went home at around 8:00 pm and still tried what for me is the rock bottom – to use Tinder – but not having any match in about fifty girls just proved me that my persistence would lead to nowhere.
I finished my evening drinking champagne alone and watching a football friendly match between Ukraine and Romania, in which nobody won…how ironic and more depressing could that be?
First of all, as you have for sure already understood, I am a guy who draws his conclusions based on his own experience. Therefore, it is important to highlight that what is true for me might not be true for you, so I just want to make clear that I am simply expressing a point of view.
In any case, I can tell you that ten days in a row spent in the same place can already define a solid pattern/tendency on how things work around there. It is a time frame which, still far from providing a definite conclusion, can give you a very good idea whether a city is worth visiting.
And regarding the city itself, Kiev deserves surely a visit, not only for its rich architecture but also for its great atmosphere and logistics. Go there in a month like May or June and will have warm weather, allowing you to walk around a very pleasant and safe city, of course under normal circumstances (let us hope that what happened two years won’t happen again in the next times).
In addition, it is so amazingly cheap – just for you to have a notion, a subway ticket costs 20 cents, a premium vodka bottle costs 4€ and a packet of Marlboro costs less than 1€ – that you will be able to live like a king and not to think about the money you are wasting. Therefore, it is a perfect city to spend a week of holidays, as you will have plenty of things to do for quite affordable prices.
On the other hand, and talking about the topic all of you guys want to hear, I must say that Kiev is not worthwhile in terms of women, in case you come here for a short period of time. I know that everyone is different and that you might get lucky but, according to what you read before about my 10-day experience, you really have to rely on luck for something to happen – and that is an indicator which I tend to despise.
Women here are hot but they have become clever as hell, as the hordes of thirsty males (Turks on the top of the list) coming here to bang them has way exceeded the normal capacity of “absorption” a city, a reality which has turned Kiev in a salad of tricky women, something which had happened years before in such cities as Prague or Riga.
So my final advice is the following: if your intention is to bang hot ladies but you do not intend to stay in Kiev at least for three weeks – in order that girls somehow feel that you live there – than just forget about miracles, save your money and stay at home.